How Working Remotely Can Benefit Your Team 

Today’s workplace is more competitive than ever, and it’s up to companies to create an attractive package of perks in order to engage the top talent in their field. While many try to offer large salaries or miscellaneous stipends, there’s one facet that is becoming more and more desirable by employees: working remotely.

If it’s an idea you’ve toyed with before but you’re worried that it might bring more concerns than positives, keep reading. When it comes to the success of your business, working remotely benefits people in more ways than you’d think. Furthermore, as today’s COVID-19 headlines show, many businesses can minimize the disruption to their work when they have all-remote options in place.

Increasing Your Options

Traditional workplace setups dictate that all of your employees generally live within a reasonable distance from your office. While you may have the occasional person who commutes into town for the workweek only to go home on the weekends, by and large, your pool of potential employees is only so large. Offering relocation assistance to potential candidates can be expensive, so it’s in your best interest to remove geographical boundaries when it comes to new hires.

By allowing your team the option of working remotely, meaning they still retain their regular job functions but can complete their tasks from the comfort of their home, you now have an exponentially larger group of talent to choose from. Some companies that offer remote options employ individuals from all over the world.

Enhancing Creativity

When employees work in an office, there’s only so much leaders can do to meet everyone’s needs. Even when bringing in ergonomic desks or changing the overhead lighting, employers may not be creating an optimal work environment. By allowing employees the option of working remotely, you put their workspace into their own hands.

Some enjoy working in a busy coffee shop (in non-pandemic times, I hope it goes without saying). They might thrive on being in a noisy setting, while others prefer the solitude of a quiet corner at home. By giving your team the chance to select their own environment, you’re granting them the opportunity to be more creative and productive.

Reducing Stress

Even the most robust paid time off plans may not account for the curveballs that life can throw at us. Employees often come to work sick because they cannot afford to take unpaid days at home. Those with children also feel the strain when illness occurs, as keeping a child home from school almost automatically means that your employee is calling in sick.

Working remotely benefits everyone in these instances. After all, some tasks can still be completed even with a child around the house. Depending on the severity of illness, some employees may still be able to answer emails while resting on the couch. In general, work doesn’t always have to come to a grinding halt. The bottom line is that having the option of working remotely dramatically reduces the stress level of your employees if and when they need to stay home and can help stop burnout before it happens.

Working Remotely Can Promote Workplace Happiness

Simply working remotely may not be enough by itself to spark joy, but the option is a great opportunity. Working from home means that employees can skip their daily commute. In some cases this can save an hour or more of time in their day. It could lead to getting more sleep each night too, as people won’t have to wake up as early to arrive at work on time.

In all but extreme cases, offering the option of working remotely doesn’t mean that you have to go completely virtual. Instead, some employees might opt to work from home several days per week. Others might choose to come into work every day. Ultimately, offering your staff the ability to work remotely improves your employee performance and retention. This in turn positions you, your team and your organization for greater success.