What Makes a Good Team Manager & Coach?

The success of a business relies on so many moving parts that it’s hard to single out the top few things to focus on. Yet no matter what your industry, your management team is always an important priority. Whether you have a solid set of people in place or you’re looking to make a change to your leadership, it’s important to understand what makes a good manager.

Let’s take a look at some of the qualities of a good team manager and leader and see how they relate to a happier and more productive workplace. Whether you’re able to promote from within or are looking at outside talent to fill a leadership role, these traits should be must-haves when considering your top employees.

They Truly Love What They Do

It’s rare to find a person who enjoys even the more difficult parts of their job, but one of the qualities of a good team manager and leader is that they can see the positives in everything. They tend to be strong role models of positive company culture and have an infectious spirit that spreads to others on the team. Ultimately, this can lead to better employee retention as your management team can create an environment that people look forward to working in.

They Can Focus & Prioritize

Fast-paced businesses often have too many ongoing projects for any one person to tackle. Yet when it comes to a good team manager, qualities including being able to delegate and prioritize come easily. They demonstrate the ability to zero in on the most important tasks in front of them and can help employees do the same. (It’s important, however, to ensure that this focus doesn’t turn into overworking and employee burnout down the line.)

They Value Accountability & Honesty

Managers often have some of the less desirable responsibilities of the workday on their plates. However, those who can bring a sense of honesty and constructive feedback make their jobs seem easy. Not only are these individuals great in a coaching capacity, but they also hold themselves accountable to their own goals. This is an exceptionally important facet to good management, as it helps to create psychological safety in the workplace.

They Are Compassionate

Good team managers and leaders are viewed as coaches by the rest of their teams. It’s their job to encourage and support growth in others and they’re able to do so with compassion. Their high level of emotional intelligence allows them to uncover areas of opportunity that may have been previously overlooked by others.

They Know How to Make Hard Decisions

Much of what makes a good team manager has to do with the company’s bottom line. After all, it’s a manager’s role to ensure that certain goals and benchmarks are met even under difficult circumstances. People in a coaching and leadership role need to be able to make tough decisions, often without much notice. They have to meet larger business objectives without sacrificing the good of each employee on their team.

Cultivating Good Managers

If you’ve ever had a fantastic leader in your life, you know that these people are truly exceptional and don’t come around all too often. But that’s not to say that an impressive employee can’t become a great manager with the right coaching and training. Like many accomplishments in life, becoming a good team manager and coach often entails nurturing specific qualities. Companies of all sizes will experience challenges if their management team is lacking. It’s crucial to support those in leadership positions to recognize their full potential.

Get a snapshot of your team’s strengths and challenges so you can focus on the most impactful improvements. Sign up for a free demo of RallyBright’s Resilient Teams™ assessment.