RallyBright for Team Member Profiles

Understand yourself better and create positive and productive work relationships

Your RallyBright Profile is a behavioral-science based, quantified profile wholly unique to you. Use this profile to better understand your personality type and conflict styles. Learn more about your colleagues by comparing their shared profiles to yours. Use these comparisons to gain a greater sense of how you might get along at work, and where you can gain insight from one another’s differences.

Learn how you and
your team members work at work

Get a better understanding of how your behavioral styles affect communication and relationships with your colleagues.
Trusted by exceptional c-suite leaders at exceptional organizations:

Create your profile for how you operate on a team

RallyBright provides private user profiles for each team member, which they can also share with colleagues. These profiles contain personality and behavioral assessments including DISC+, Conflict Style, Resilience, Stress, Burnout and more.

Personal profile illustration
Increase self-awareness illustration

Foster self-awareness for yourself and your colleagues

Being deeply engaged and effective at work is only possible when you have an awareness and understanding of who you are and how you work. Your DISC+ personality type, Conflict Style and tendencies related to mindset, stress and communication all influence how you interact with your team.

Share profiles across your teams to understand how to work better together

Learn more about yourself using tools like DISC+ and Conflict Style to better understand how you prefer to work and communicate with your colleagues. Your profile is yours, and you can choose which of your assessment results you’d like to share with colleagues.

Share team member profiles
Strengthen team member relationships illustration

Strengthen team relationships and engagement

Leverage your team profile to better understand how to work and communicate more effectively in your role and with your colleagues. RallyBright helps strengthen relationships by illuminating the hidden factors that affect how you work with others.